A New Acquisition and a Fabric Giveaway

I’ve bought a serger/overlocker!!

I’d never really thought much about owning one until recently but I’ve started to feel that I might be missing out.  I noticed at the weekend that LIDL had these coming back into stock today at £129 and given the national TV advertising and announcements on IG etc. I thought I’d better get down there first thing.  This model seems to retail at about £250 elsewhere so definitely something of a bargain.

I arrived just before 8.00 am and the car park was already filling up with people who looked very much like they were after the same thing as me!  It was a very civilised and sociable group outside the front door, some people were after the serger, others the sewing machine which also looks good.

This is the actual model.

Singer Serger

As the doors opened we all piled in and made a beeline for the back of the store where the boxes were piled up.  By the time I got to the checkout about two minutes later they had already sold three so I suspect they will run out quickly.  I also bought some of the thread cones at 50p each, I wish hadn’t decided to give the trolleys a miss as I was struggling to carry everything!  I might pop back again later as there were some other sewing-related items I didn’t have time to look at.

Having to go to work straight afterwards was a bit of an inconvenience as I really wanted to get it out of the box straightaway!  I have absolutely NO idea what I’m doing with it.  I’ve had one very short session on a serger during a course at Clothkits in Chichester and was slightly terrified.  I’m going to have a proper read of Portia’s three-part Serger Series on Makery before I even try to use it.

In the meantime …. while we were away in the Cotswolds recently I visited Tinsmiths in Ledbury.

It is curtain and upholstery fabric (and gift/homewares) heaven but they also stock some dressmaking fabrics including pre-cut lengths of hand-blocked African fabric.  The fabric I’d previously spotted online was no longer available so I picked another one.  I’d not really given sufficient thought to what I was actually going to do with over five metres of fabric so I thought I’d see if anyone would like a share in it?  It’s a medium weight cotton, 110 cms wide.  I’ve not tried washing it yet so can’t say whether the colours will fade but they are certainly pretty bold at the moment. I think it has quite a vintage/retro look to it.

Here it is pinned to Doris.  That’s the whole lot pinned round her because I couldn’t face unfolding and refolding it so it is obviously going to drape a bit more than this!

I’m giving away two metres and if you’d like to welcome this fabric into your stash just leave a comment below and say what you might use it for.  I’ll get W to pull a name out of one of his hats after midnight on Sunday 18 October.  If it’s not your cup of tea then spread the word to anyone you know who might be interested.


24 thoughts on “A New Acquisition and a Fabric Giveaway

    • Thanks for the warning about the shrinkage – I shall wash it on a very cool setting just in case. Shame you didn’t see the overlockers – they had all disappeared from our branch by the end of the day!


  1. A new overlocker you will love it and soon wonder how you ever lived without it!! Mine is 30 years old. My main tip is always change the thread with a sideways knot and double check it’s secure. You can waste hours sweating over re-threading it. Cut the thread above the needle to loosen the chain stitch and pull them through gently. The industrial ones are scary. The domestic ones are much slower- I can’t tell you how excited I am for you and how much you’ll enjoy having it!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sounds like a bargain for an over locker – hope you get to grips with it soon. LOVE the fabric! I would make an A-line skirt with it, I think, as it looks great draped like that on Doris.


    • It was definitely a bargain and a lot of other people thought so too – there was just a big gap in the store by the end of the day! It was like the vultures had been at all the sewing needles etc. – there was nothing left. Good to know that so many people are sewing. Glad you approve of the fabric.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Well done for bagging a bargain over locker Jane – even if you only ever use it for neatening seams you will wonder how you managed without it, although be prepared for a bit of bad language when you change threads! I tend to sew a run of dark garments, followed by a run of light colours, and I manage with black or white.
    Lovely fabric, but don’t put my name in the hat, thanks – the LAST thing I need is more fabric!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Ahhh I bought that overlocker today too 😀 haven’t had a chance to take it out the box yet!! I went at about 1pm and there were plenty there 🙂 that fabric is beautiful – I’d probably make a skirt as it looks fab like that!! Maybe that’s my poor imagination!!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Everyone’s got new overlockers to play with. I’ve just bought some grey thread for mine as I thought it would go with lots of fabric so no need to keep rethreading (I could be wrong!). Very kind of you hosting a giveaway. I also think I would make an A line skirt – something quite simple to show off that fabulous print!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I bought several colours of thread just because they were so cheap but I’ve probably now got enough to last for months! I think I’ll go with your plan to use grey as that may make life easier until I get the hang of it! I’m so pleased everyone likes the fabric!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Gosh what a bargain. But I love Lidl. Best shop ever.

    I hope you get lots of use from your overlocker. I don’t use mine very much as I tend to line my garments but it is useful.
    I have used quite alot of African fabrics and found them very stable in every way. No shrinkage and very reliable to sew. And printed on both sides so super versatile. Like Gail I have more than enough fabric…

    Liked by 1 person

    • We love Lidl too! It is just down the road from us so very handy and always full of bargains, including the overlocker. I’m glad you’ve had a positive experience of using African fabrics, I’m looking forward to using mine. I’ll make a note that you are already fully stocked with fabric!


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