Book Giveaway

A very quick post today – apologies for the rather poor quality photographs but it was very gloomy first thing this morning!

Whilst looking for something else in a cupboard yesterday I came across this book and remembered that I have two copies, one I bought myself and one was given to me as a gift.


It is a lovely book which follows the history of the floral frock from the 1920s to the 1980s and there are some beautiful images of the dresses displayed both on mannequins and on some very glamorous models.  I particularly like the photographs contributed by some of the actual owners over the decades.  The close-up images of vintage fabrics are also inspiring.

I thought I’d give the second copy away to someone who would like to add it to their collection – it is perfect for anyone with a passion for vintage dresses.

Just leave a comment below and your name will go into the hat, with the winner being drawn sometime after midnight on Monday 7 December.  I’ll send it straight out so the lucky winner should get it before Christmas!

28 thoughts on “Book Giveaway

  1. Hi Jane, I was reading about your visit to Ditto fabrics, and realised I’d missed a post! Hope I’ve just made it in time to be included- I’m partial to a floral frock or two (and you should see my latest Christmas version!)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: And today’s winner is …… | Jane Makes

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