Back in Time

W and I have just come back from a few days away, the majority of that time spent in an 18th Century stocking weaver’s home in Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire. The property is owned by the Landmark Trust and if you are not familiar with the work of the Trust, do check out their website.  We’ve had some great times in these historic buildings, one of the best was at Saddell House on the Mull of Kintyre where we spent a few days before Christmas with one of my school friends, her teenage boys (plus friends) and her partner.  She and I played at being Mrs Bridges and Ruby (from the original version of Upstairs Downstairs), rustling up vast quantities of food in the huge kitchen with no access to any shops once we’d arrived.  I like to think I was better qualified to be Mrs Bridges with my O Level in Food & Nutrition!  When they weren’t eating (or sleeping) the boys spent a good deal of their time running a table tennis tournament in the basement.  They were surprised to find that W was an expert who was determined to win (and did).

Back to the 18th Century stocking weavers.  Having read up on the history of the house they certainly didn’t enjoy an easy life, although those living in the houses in this row would have had a better time of things as they were part of a co-operative rather than working in a factory.  The house is on four floors with vertiginous stairways between each floor – to be treated with caution after a glass of wine or two in the evening!  If your preference is for modern luxury then the Landmark may not be the right choice but the opportunity to spend time surrounded by history is pretty special.

The weaving looms look pretty complicated – and large.  I think they must have either been assembled in situ or perhaps brought in through the large window on the first floor?

The houses are filled with furniture, books and pictures relevant to the area and period and these two embroideries were on one of the landings.  I wonder at what point Harriot Webb realised she wasn’t going to be able to fit the whole of the second line of verse in on the right hand sampler?

I stuck with the yarn theme while I was in the house by carrying on with my crocheted blanket which has been stuck at a lap blanket size for some time.  I think there are now enough new squares for a couple more rows to be added.


Highlights of the week :

  • A visit to Ledbury and some shopping in Tinsmiths and Hus & Hem (described as a Smörgåsbord of Scandinavian design).  I was able to make a start on my Christmas shopping pledge to stick with buying from independent shops.  I did buy some fabric, more on that another time.
  • A trip on the GWR steam railway (W’s choice)
  • A visit to the Gordon Russell Design Museum in Broadway.  For anyone with an interest in furniture design this is a must and as it was a quiet morning I had a personal tour from one of the volunteers.  Broadway itself has to be one of the most immaculate villages in the country.  Even the fruit and veg display at the deli was perfect!
  • More shopping in Ludlow including a lovely shop called Black Bough and a great lunch at The Green Café.
  • Ludlow Castle in glorious September sunshine.
  • The Ludlow Period House Shop.  The complete opposite of Broadway – this was the most chaotic shop I have ever seen full of all manner of items for anyone restoring a period house.  It was absolutely fascinating.  We were very tempted by the Irish made grandfather and night shirts.

One thing I did reflect on while I was away was my dependence on my mobile phone and internet access.  There is no WiFi in Landmark properties – they don’t even have televisions – and 3/4G was intermittent.  I was concerned to realise just how grumpy I felt at not being able to access IG, Twitter, iPlayer Radio etc. when I wanted to.  There was one advantage – I had decided to limit my viewing of work emails while I was away and in the end I had no choice a lot of the time.

I’m not sure what the answer is because phones and tablets are now so omnipresent it is hard to remember or imagine life without them.  Hila at Saturday Night Stitch is currently without a mobile and this is her very interesting blog post on the subject.  I’m sure lots of you have a view on this subject!

16 thoughts on “Back in Time

  1. Jane that is a wonderful account of your holiday. We stayed in Property Bond places ( usually with Wifi and always a phone and TV near Broadway and Ludlow so both were visited . Next time we go to the one near Ludlow I shall be sure to visit the shops you have mentioned. Super pics too.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The house sounds wonderful. A good way to increase your understanding of history as well as fun.
    We stayed in a Victorian Farm cottage once and loved cooking/baking on the range and even fetching water.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Sounds like my idea of heaven! I love it when we arrive somewhere for a week and find there’s no WiFi or ‘phone signal, as does hubby after the initial grumps. It means doing real stuff and lots of time for crafting, board games and chatting – bliss!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. We have staying in quite a few LMT properties and always had a super time. I am not sure what I feel about them not having Wifi (it has been a while since we went) but previously they had a black and white catalogue and no internet site. Booking was by telephone, but commercial reasons meant they had to adapt. Maybe in time they will put in wifi. On the other hand there seems to be a Starbucks everywhere now.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I remember the black and white catalogue! I thought you might be a Landmark fan! I don’t really want them to have Wifi, that’s all part of the charm – this was the first time I’d felt a bit lost without it and I need to learn to switch off!


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